Saturday, April 3

Forcibly Creative

Weather in the Philly area has been incredible. After record snow fall this winter - it's been a treat to have clear skies and 70 degree temperatures. I've spent hours on the deck basking in the sunlight. Yesterday, I wrote descriptions for new jewelry pieces I've been working on and took photos of them. After the sun went down, I spent time on the computer editing my photos and descriptions. I like to write the old fashion way - with a pencil and paper. I love the sound of a pencil scratching away at a piece of paper as my hand tries to keep up with my thoughts, translating words in to letters.There's something about it that allows my creativity to flourish. Maybe it's because my job requires me to be in front of a computer 8 hours a day, forcing me to be creative as I try to find new ways to get contributions for my non profit. There are times when it doesn't work, understandably so. Doesn't the very nature of creativity require inspiration? Spontaneity? Can these things be forced? Somehow, I am usually up to the task. But, I must admit, I don't think I am always at my best. It's these moments, when I'm sitting in the sun, listening to the birds, enveloped by the fragrant blooms of spring time that creativity comes to me, naturally.

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