Monday, April 5

The Tao of Costanza

Why? Why do some people feel the need to belittle others? Constructive criticism is fine, and correcting someone’s mistakes is no problem. But how can you honestly feel good about yourself after maligning someone else for no good reason? Don’t get me wrong, there are people I can’t stand, people I’d rather not have to talk to, not even look at because the mere sight of them makes my skin crawl. But, I’d never wish them harm. I always figured they suffered enough being miserable and ugly on the inside. I think I may care about the terrible people more then the wonderful ones because it’s the terrible people who are totally unaware that they suck. There’s no hope for them unless they can admit their suckiness and do something about it. Yet, their self-perceived greatness blinds them from the truth. I am a firm believer in faith, hope, and love - for the wonderful and terrible people. If only George Costanza's message “you know we’re living in a society” could reach more people. It’s hard for all of us, life that is, and we have the power, the opportunity, to make a difference.

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